Aerial Photo of Range within Park


Hosted by:              Arizona JOAD Association and Papago Archers


Divisions:                Seniors, Masters, JOAD, and newcomer target archers are welcome.

                                                                                                           Distances in meters

                                 Senior Male, Junior Male, Masters+50             (90 70 60 50)

                                 Senior and Junior Female, Masters+60M        (70 60 50 30)

                                 Cadet Male and Female                                   (70 60 50 30) Existing 2003

                                 2004 Cadet Female                                          (60 50 40 30) Proposed for 2004

                                 Cub Male and Female                                      (50 40 30 20)

                                 Bowman Male and Female                              (30 25 25 20)

                                 Yeomen Male and Female                               (15 15 10 10)

                                 Novices are encouraged to shoot shorter distances and fewer arrows.


Bows:                      Olympic, Compound and Barebow


Event:                      One day STAR FITA, 36 arrows at each of the four distances.


Where:                     Papago Park Archery Range in Phoenix

                                 NW of McDowell Rd. and Galvin Parkway (64th St.)

                                 North on 64th St. then West on Oak St. 

                                 Turn South into driveway at the sign “Papago Park Sports Complex”

                                 Just west of Army Reserves Building


When:                      Saturday,  December 13th, 2003

                                 8 AM                     Self-Serve Setup

                                 8:30 AM                Practice

                                 9:30 AM                Two long distances Scoring

                                 12:30pm approx  Lunch

                                 1:30pm approx    Two short distances Scoring



How:                        One day full FITA.  Archers and family members to set up and take down bales, flags targets, etc.  Bring a chair, shade canopy, water, beverages, snacks and food.  There will be a portable potty on site!

                                 Space is limited, one shooting line only, please sign up early.


Rules/Dress Code: NAA / FITA dress code & membership is required. Standard NAA / FITA tournament / range / scoring rules will be in effect.


How Much:              NAA members Senior/Masters:                      $25

                                 NAA members JOAD:                                     $20

                                 NAA member family limit:                               $50

                                 Adults 19 and above (non-NAA members):    $35

                                 Youth 18 and below (non-NAA members):     $30


How to sign up:      By pre-registration by email and follow up mail only, there is no on- site registration.   Registration Form  (Remember space is limited so sign up early)


Awards:                   Awards to top three places in each division.


Dec. 13th Weather: Average Low =      40 deg 

                                 Average High =     67 deg

                                 Sunrise =              7:23 am 

                                 Sunset =               5:21 pm

                                 Dec. Precip =        .98 inches


If you are not a NAA member, ask about our free first tournament offer!