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What can you do at a tourney?


July 4, 2003


It takes only a few JOAD tournaments to realize that there are many ways a JOAD parent can support their archer at a tournament. One of the best ways is to volunteer to help make the tournament run smoothly and quickly.  The key is to let the tournament organizer know that you are there to help wherever you can and to jump in and help when you see the need.  Here are some of the different tasks that you can volunteer for.


Before the tournament, volunteer your equipment like ATCs, generators, trailers, etc.


A half day or full day before official practice…

·         Help layout and stripe the field.

·         Set up canopies, chairs and judges chairs and umbrellas.

·         Move target stands and butts.

·         Set up the timing system and lights.

·         Set up equipment, wires, extension cords, generators, tables, bulletins, trash cans.


During the tournament…

·         Assist at the registration desk.

·         Help at the concession stand.

·         Keep water jugs filled with ice and water.  Get water to the judges.

·         Move and stake target stands at distance changes.

·         Change target faces.

·         Help with the leader board by running scores or posting them.

·         Let the tournament officials know when there is a problem.  (ie, full port a potties)


And in an official capacity…

·         Register with the NAA and volunteer to be a judge.

·         Data enter scores for the official results.

·         Ultimately become the Chairman of Judges (COJ), Director of Shooting (DOS) or Tournament organizer.


PS…Be sure to take care of yourself and your archer.  Be sure both of you, wear sunscreen, drink water, eat healthy snacks and food.



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