2003 Arizona Toxophilite award




Robert Pian and Nancy Myrick

Ben Avery FITA Range
October 2-3, 2004

The 2003 Arizona “Toxophilite” honorees were elected at the 2004 Arizona State Outdoor Championship/Duel in the Desert Trials in early October, 2004....

The Arizona recognition is in the memory of Al Henderson, a remarkable archer and one of the best ever (and published) archery coaches, and Margaret Klann, the founder of the NAA College Division. Two very diverse Arizona “Archery lovers”, both of whom share a commitment to volunteerism, were this years recipients.

Nancy Myrick is the most well known Arizonan to the National and International and Olympic target archery community (NAA, FITA). Nancy achieved elite archer status in her own right as a two time US National Champion. She then went on to coach as a Level 4 coach and has served as an US Olympic Team coach. Internationally, Myrick is a FITA committee member. The list tournament activities include National Indoor Regional Championship Judge, National Target Championship Director of Shooting. Arizona Cup International as well as all varieties of State Tournament Directorships. “This is an unexpected surprise,” remarked Nancy.

Bob Pian is the State JOAD coordinator for the last few years. Bob is most proud of providing the support to make the vision of others to reality. He credits Arizona JOAD parents for supporting their childern’s desire to give archery a try. “My job is to provide the encouragement, information and support to JOADs and their families so that a JOAD's full potential can be reached just as others have helped my family," Bob added. Bob is delighted to be associated with Arizona JOADs success at the state, regional, national and international level. Bob is a Level 2 coach and Judge Candidate, most recently judging at the 2004 JOAD Outdoor Championship in Georgia.

Congratulations to Nancy Myrick and Bob Pian. Please congratulate them in person when you see. They are eager to encourage others to involve themselves with target archery in Arizona.



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