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   “AZJOAD, where Arizona JOAD clubs meet and compete”     






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BASF September Clean-up



September 14, 15, 21, 22 and 28, 2002


Arizona Junior Olympic Development (AZJOAD), Arizona State Archery Association (ASAA), and Black Canyon Archers (BCA) volunteers worked tirelessly to improve the F.I.T.A. Archery range at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF).  The range is operated in support of National Archery Association (NAA) and National Field Archery Association (NFAA) training and events.


Projects undertaken by AZJOADs:


·         Tightened and braced ASAA target stands.

·         Disassembled broken stands.

·         Removed old paint for back wall.

·         Removed debris from storms.

·         Special thanks to Chuy Ortega for the use of his pressure washer.

·         Serviced portable toilets.

·         In previous weeks Fred Grant spearheaded the painting of the Director of Shooting stand, permanently installed the PA system wire, repaired and upgraded the timing lights, and installed electrical for portable lights.  Funded by AZJOAD with timing lights parts by ASAA.


Projects undertaken by ASAAs, BCAs:


·         Painted back wall.

·         Painting of AZJOAD unit.  (Paint expense by AZJOAD)

·         Ant control and ant killer.

·         ASAA provided the back wall paint with a portion of the paint funded by signage permission to Magnock.  ASAA also provided pizza and beverages.


Please join us in thanking these volunteers when you see them:


·         Mike Koistinen

·         Trina Musik

·         Doug Witt

·         Rob Mitchell

·         David Aprea (Master painter)

·         Michael Mitchell (Master paint remover)

·         Jessica Grant

·         Ted Harden II

·         Chris Burkhart

·         Jon Brewington

·         Mark Penaz

·         Joe Brindley (Master painter)

·         George Frangos (Master paint remover)

·         Fred Grant

·         Bob Pian (Master Potty Engineer)