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JOADs from around the state prepare for  

Arizona JOAD Vegas Tournament Team competition


First Round Results

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November 6, 2004

Straight N Arrow Archery, Phoenix



The first “Iron Archer” 600 round was a success by introducing tournament play to many and providing valuable indoor tournament experience to all.  For 1/3 of the archers, it was their first FITA style tournament .   The Straight N Arrow Archery range was full with 24 archers shooting in two lines at 18 meters. 


Three JOAD clubs were represented.  Precision Shooters JOAD at PSE Tucson had three JOADs.  The Mesa Targeteers at Archery Headquarters were represented by five JOADs. Six JOADs were from Straight N Arrow.   


The event is registered with the NAA for qualifying score eligibility that apply to the 2005 US World Indoor Team Trials.   NAA Qualifying Scores  


One archer achieved a qualifying score.


The two best 600 roundout of three will determine who will take part in the overall compound and overall recurve Round Robin matches that will determine the “2005 Iron Archer”.


All of the JOADs are focusing on the World Archery Festival in Las Vegas.   

The inaugural Arizona JOAD Team competition at the Vegas Shoot looks to be very exciting.


The last minute interest in competing was overwhelming, which delayed the start of competition by 20 minutes.   Straight N Arrow Archery owners Todd and Sammie Hulm gave up their spots so others could take part. 


Typical for JOAD events and first timers, scorecards and addition needed correction.  Several shorted themselves several points.


Please thank the gang at Straight N Arrow for dedicating four Saturdays for the Iron Archer!


The series registration is full, there is a waiting list.






Set up

8:00-9:30 AM

9:30-10:30 Registration and equipment inspection




  1. 11:26

  2. 11:37

  3. 11:45

  4. 12:01

  5. 12:09

  6. 12:16

  7. 12:23 Equipment Failure (Arrow) One arrow shot after line returns from scoring)

  8. 12:32

  9. 12:40  Mid way break

  10. 1:03

  11. 1:11

  12. 1:19

  13. 1:27

  14. 1:36

  15. 1:44

  16. 1:50

  17. 1:57

  18. 2:04

  19. 2:10 End of 600 Round

2:30 Scorecards turned in

2:30-3:00 Take down and depart.